This classic Queenslander door is sought by those wanting authentic products when restoring but will also add some original character to a new build. These doors are available in in Red Cedar, Silky Oak, Maple and Pine. Top Lights come in all forms including hop scotch and coat hanger styles as well as clear, obscure and coloured glass panels.
(150 Pairs in Stock)
Paul will do a deal now!
Stock #1077 a/b/c/d
2130 x 1215 / 2115 x 1215 x 2 / 2115 x 1225
These French Doors suit all sorts of situations. Lighten a room with clear glass panes or capture and frame views to enhance your property. Obscure glass panes allow for the privacy of studios, bedrooms and bathrooms.
(70 Pairs in Stock)
Paul has so many of these in stock he is keen to do deals now !
Stock #495
SOLD (enquire for similar styles)
2090 x 1060 (pair of doors)
2090 x 520 (sidelite)
$450 (doors) / $175 (sidelite)
Stock #1022 & #1023
2040 x 1000 each
$550 each
A more modern opening to our outside living areas but because of the simple statement they make they lend themselves to a variety of themes. If you need understatement but function you’ll love these doors. We have lots always arriving and often in wider openings than the more conventional French Doors.
These go quickly! Ring Paul now!